Portland Aluminium Smelter Awarded ASI Performance Standard Certification

May 26, 2023

波特兰铝冶炼厂, which is located in Australia and is owned at a 22.5% investment rate by Marubeni Corporation (hereinafter, “Marubeni”), has announced that it has been awarded the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative*1 (hereinafter, “ASI”) Performance Standard certification as of May 2023.

波特兰铝冶炼厂 波特兰铝冶炼厂

The ASI Performance Standard defines environmental, social, and governance principles and criteria, with the aim of addressing sustainability issues in the aluminium value chain. The certification has been awarded in recognition of the integrity of operations and extensive environmental and safety initiatives at the Portland Aluminum smelter.

Marubeni has made “Green Strategy” one of its fundamental policies to enhance its corporate value in its current Mid-Term Management Strategy “GC2024.” GC2024 positions aluminium as an essential component in the transition to a decarbonized society within Marubeni’s green business. Following on from the awarding of the ASI Performance Standard and the ASI Chain of Custody (CoC) certifications to Aluminerie Alouette, Canada, Marubeni plans for Portland Aluminium smelter to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by providing a stable supply of metals that are indispensable for a decarbonized society. It will achieve this by increasing the ratio of renewable energy in the electricity used for production toward reducing CO2 emissions and facilitating responsible production.

*1 Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI):
ASI is an organization located in Australia that sets global standards for sustainability performance and traceability through production, processing, and distribution in the aluminium industry. ASI currently has 300 affiliated members, including 10 Japanese companies, with Marubeni being the first Japanese company to participate in ASI in 2019.

波特兰Al的概述uminium Smelter:
Location: Madeira Packet Road, Portland, Victoria, 3305, Australia
Production Capacity: Approx 360,000 tons (annual)
Ownership: Company
Alcoa of Australia
Employees: Approx. 500
Operation Commencement: 1986
Operating Company: Alcoa Portland of Aluminium Pty Ltd

Related press releases:
・November 12, 2019
Participation in the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative

・October 20, 2022
Aluminerie Alouette Awarded the ASI Chain of Custody
